Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 12: Numbers 21:8 - 32:19

-Numbers 21:8. Why, why, why did God tell Moses to make a graven image after He so specifically forbade that sort of thing?! On top of that, God had Moses tell the people to look toward the serpent (graven image) for healing. What's with that?!

-Numbers 22:29 always amuses me. Balaam wasn't phased AT ALL by his donkey talking to him. No. As a matter of fact, he entered into a conversation with it! Makes me wonder if animals talked at various times or if he was just SO angry that the strangeness of the situation blew past him.

-Numbers 31. Now THAT'S an impressive conquest! When you have thirty-two THOUSAND people left over... not just people; virgin women! All the men, all the boys, all the married women had been killed leaving 32k female virgins. How many did they kill?!

I also wonder if Moses had to kill in-law family members, seeing as his wife came from Midian.

1 comment:

Jason Cooper said...

I have to wonder if God meant something other than what we think it is. For instance, what if a graven image refers to a flat surface? Of course, that doesn't make sense either. Maybe it was Moses' idea, thinking it would draw more people to God.

I think Balaam talked to animals in general, through whatever weird *mancy he was into.

I'd have to agree - amazing!